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Sections:Editor's Note you know its also pretty much time to get out, put your tank tops on, breathe the fresh air, and do some good.  Dwight Hall and Yale College Council have partnerned hard to bring you some pretty sweet events for a week of service including:




- Aldermanic candidate debate (tonight in SSS!)


- New Haven ID Card registration on Tuesday and Wednesday


- A film screening of the smash-super-blockbuster hit John Q


- Soup kitchen volunteering at DESK


...and much more.  Please check out the full list below!


In other news, please note that all content can be put on, including pictures, and more for the newsletter.  Also, if you have seen easels and tripods around in some colleges, these will soon be available for publicizing your events...just send an email...

Also, please check out Islamic Awareness Week

Have a good day, friends.