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Sections:Editor's Note

Hi Dwight Hall!


It was an exciting weekend at Dwight Hall as hundreds of freshmen participated in the Freshman Day of Service on Saturday. It was a beautiful day for cleaning up parks, gardening at the health clinic, building bikes and more!


This week, we have the Dwight Hall Bazaar!

Wednesday, September 15th. 7:00 - 9:00pm. Dwight Hall. Come to hear from and sign up for some of our 85+ member groups and institutional programs. There will be groups at the Dwight Hall Bazaar that were not at the Yale activities Bazaar, so don't miss out!

If you're coming to represent a member group, remember to arrive early to set-up!


Keep in mind that our Distinguished Mentor, Kevin Salwen event will be Thursday, September 23rd , 4:00pm. Dwight Hall Chapel. Talk with the author of The Power of Half about his familys decision to donate half of their wealth to charity.


A note about blurbs for the newsletter (since things for the first few days have been a bit irregular here at D-Holla headquarters): If you get a blurb to me by Wednesday morning, it will go out with the D-Holla that will always be sent on Wednesdays, starting the 22nd of this month.


As always, if you have any questions about Dwight Hall, any one of our three networks, 85+ member groups or institutional programs, please ask me!


Hope all is well,
